E2 Visa Reform
E2VisaReform.org has been set up by a group of like-minded investors who feel that the current E2 Treaty Investor Visa needs to be reviewed and pave the way for us being able to apply for Legal Permanent Residency.
The E2 Treaty Investor Visa was originally set up as part of the ‘Immigration and Nationality Act’ in 1952. The visa was intended to stimulate the US Economy by creating investment opportunities to infuse new capital into the US.
We know that change can be achieved, as only a few years ago spouses of E2 visa holders were not able to work outside of their own companies. Now a spouse can be issued with Work Authorization and get a job in any company. However this is the only change to this visa since 1952 – we are trying to bring it kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.
Not only do we employ US Citizens and pay our way in terms of taxes, we also have to consider the future needs of our children who are not covered by our visas once they reach the age of 21. Our children are educated in US schools learning American values, yet are not always rewarded with a chance to earn the right to stay. They are pressurized into making career choices based on an ability to obtain a permanent residency visa rather than following their dreams. Often the degree they obtain in a US University will enable them to find a job in many different countries around the world – but maybe not in the country where they earned it.
The aim of this site is to both inform and educate the people who can make a difference to the lives of E2 Treaty Investor Visa holders. We endeavor to keep up with all current news and legislation and try to highlight problems facing E2 Treaty Investor Visa holders.
We send out Newsletters to all our E2 contacts and if you would like to receive them, just send us your e-mail address.
There has never been a better opportunity to have our voices heard about the E2 Treaty Investor Visa and it is now up to us to make sure we are part of the conversation. We urge all E2 Treaty Investor Visa Holders to contact their own Member of Congress and Senators to ask for their support.
Our children – and those on other visas – should also be included in any new version of the “Dream Act”/”KIDS Act”.
TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoe Adams
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